Search results for References by duffy, r.
Duffy, R., 2015. Responsibility to protect? Ecocide, interventionism and saving biodiversity. Paper presented at the Sheffield Animals Research Colloquium: pp. 1-16


Smith, R.J.; Roberts, D.L.; Duffy, R.; St John, F.A.V., 2013. New rhino conservation project in South Africa to understand landowner decision-making. Oryx 47 (3): 323


Duffy, R.; Emslie, R.H.; Knight, M., 2013. Rhino Poaching: How do we respond?. London, Evidence on Demand, pp. 1-35


Duffy, R., 2000. The international politics of the rhino horn & ivory trade: pp. 141-172

 In: Duffy, R. Killing for conservation: wildlife policy in Zimbabwe. Harare, Weaver: pp. i-xiii, 1-210


Duffy, R., 2000. Killing for conservation: wildlife policy in Zimbabwe. Harare, Weaver, pp. i-xiii, 1-210
